September 27, 2021

This year, World Tourism Day is dedicated to the recovery and inclusive growth (Tourism for Inclusive Growth), which resonates as an anthem of unity and a call for ‘rebirth’ for the entire tourism industry. On the occasion of September 27th, the World Tourism Organisation pushes global tourism towards sustainable development which includes the creation of authentic experiences, the support and promotion of local communities, and of course the year-round distribution of visitors to avoid overcrowding and mass tourism.

The goals which have been set by the WTO are aligned with Hermes Airports strategy and its vision for sustainable development of the Cyprus tourism in a beneficial way, both for the society as well as the environment. Moreover, the specific day is a reminder of the pivotal role tourism plays in our country, and the fact that all of us in the tourism industry, have the responsibility to shape the preconditions so that Cyprus continues to maintain its competitive advantage as a multicultural, welcoming destination offering unique and authentic experiences.

In previous years, the tourism industry has proven through the creation of job positions, that it is a powerful leverage to push social and economic inclusion of various groups, while contributing to our country by offering a pool of job positions which are a source of income for entire communities.

“We embrace the view of the World Tourism Organisation, that we must look beyond the numbers and the statistics, and acknowledge that, behind every number there is a person. We celebrate this day and reaffirm our commitment that we will continue to work, as we have done so for the past 15 years, with the same determination to enhance the connectivity of Cyprus and the promotion of our country abroad” stated Maria Kouroupi, Senior Manager Aviation Development and Communication of Hermes Airports.

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