Hermes Airports has been accredited with the Platinum Investors in People standard

Hermes Airports has been accredited with the Platinum Investors in People standard, demonstrating its commitment to its people. Investors in People is an internationally recognised standard for people management, and it defines what it takes to lead, support and manage people for achieving sustainable results. It is noted that only...
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2nd issue of “Welcome” magazine is now available at Larnaka and Pafos airports

2nd issue of “Welcome” magazine now in airports Cyprus through the eyes of locals The 2nd issue of “Welcome”, the official magazine of Hermes Airports that welcomes visitors to Cyprus, has been published and is now available free of charge at the Arrivals Halls of Larnaka and Pafos Airport. Welcome...
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Hermes Airports has created a “Changing Place” facility for Disabled Persons at Larnaka Airport

Hermes Airports has created at Larnaka International Airport the first “Changing Place” facility for Disabled Persons in Cyprus Hermes Airports introduced a “Changing Place” facility for disabled persons and their careers at Larnaka International Airport, which further upgrades the facilities and services it provides to disabled persons and people with...
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